Experience Stress-Free Dental Care with Oral Sedation in Brampton
Oral sedation in dentistry can be a tremendous help for dental-phobic people to maintain good dental health. Did you know that up to 20% of patients are dental phobic? And at least 50% of us have qualms about dental visits? If you’re one of them, have a family member who is fearful, or know of someone who continually avoids “going to the dentist,” oral sedation may be an option.
In one study, 90% of patients who experienced fearfulness about dentistry felt more comfortable with sedation. As a dentist in Brampton who always welcomes new patients and who is passionate about helping our current patients-of-record, we look forward to making your visit to Balogh Dental relaxing and comfortable.
What is oral sedation?
Oral sedation is a medication that reduces mild to moderate levels of anxiety and fear of dental care – ideal for adult patients who are dental phobic or whose anxiety level rises to uncomfortable levels at just the thought of “going to the dentist.” Oral sedation is usually administered in pill form, and it is available only with a prescription from us. The medication reduces and even eliminates anxiety and fear of dental visits.
How does oral sedation make one feel?
It will effectively relax you. You won’t be unconscious, so with ease, you can communicate effectively and easily follow instructions during your appointment. This is why oral sedation is often called “conscious sedation.” You will be able to understand what we are saying to you during your entire treatment.If you’re like many of our patients who find that, to their surprise and delight, they doze lightly in the dental chair,you’ll be very relaxed.